Electrical Safety and Stray Voltage Handling


Stray voltage has recently become a hot-button topic with automation on the rise, particularly with the advent of energy and motor-saving variable frequency drive units. The truth is: stray voltage isn’t. It comes from somewhere, and wreaks havoc while trying to return to its source state. From causing animal discomfort to jamming ID systems, “stray” voltage has become a real problem.
We specialize in the detection, remediation, and elimination of stray voltage issues. From finding the source of the power leakage, to recommendation and implementation of solutions to remedy or eliminate the problem; we offer experienced, professional solutions designed to take care of business.

Metering Readings for Reports

Meters connected to the electrical system to measure stray voltage

Graph of amperage on a 3 phase system

Graphs are analyzed for anomalies over various periods of time.